New Haven Dental Group is a 42 North Dental Care, PLLC practice and is owned and operated by dentists Dr. Samuel Shames, DDM. and Dr. Ronald Weissman, DDM. Gentle Dental is supported by 42 North Dental, LLC, a dental support organization that provides non-clinical administrative and business support services to the practice. 42 North Dental, LLC does not own or operate the dental practice or employ dentists to provide dental services. Find more information about 42 North Dental, LLC and the dental practices it supports at

If you have an upcoming oral procedure, your dentist might suggest that you be sedated throughout your appointment. While that idea might seem intimidating at first, it can actually lead to an easy and positive dental care experience! What does it feel like to be under dental sedation, and how can you know whether it is really necessary? This blog post provides some helpful information.
What Is Dental Sedation?
“Dental sedation” is a general term that can apply to a number of different techniques that dentists employ to help their patients remain calm, relaxed, and comfortable during procedures. Typically, sedation involves the use of medications that affect how the human body responds to outside stimuli. This results in a calmer state of mind and reduced pain.
What Does Dental Sedation Feel Like?
There are different types of sedation, and each one comes with a unique experience.
- Nitrous oxide is a clear, almost odorless gas. When you inhale it through a nasal mask, it may make you feel relaxed and a bit giddy. You should remain fairly alert while under its influence, and it tends to wear off very quickly once the nasal mask is removed.
- Oral conscious sedation involves the use of a sedative pill. It may make you feel drowsy and heavy, though it does not cause total unconsciousness. Its effects can linger for several hours after your appointment.
- General anesthesia is usually a last resort for dental procedures. It causes unconsciousness and a total unawareness of your surroundings. It should only be performed under the supervision of a specially trained medical expert.
Is Dental Sedation Really Necessary?
In some cases, dental sedation is optional; you might choose to use it to take the edge off your nerves or calm an overly sensitive gag reflex. In other instances, sedation may be deemed necessary. For example, you might need it if:
- You struggle with extreme dental anxiety or fear.
- You have a medical condition that makes it difficult for you to remain still for long periods.
- You are not easily numbed by local anesthesia.
- You must undergo a particularly complex or lengthy dental treatment.
Dental sedation can create an easier treatment experience! Ask your dentist if you have questions about this valuable provision.
Meet the Practice
New Haven Dental Group has been serving our community for decades. We want to do all we can to make patients feel relaxed and comfortable, so we offer multiple types of sedation. If you are interested in how we can help you enjoy easier dental procedures, contact our knowledgeable team at 203-712-4068.