New Haven Dental Group is a 42 North Dental Care, PLLC practice and is owned and operated by dentists Dr. Samuel Shames, DDM. and Dr. Ronald Weissman, DDM. Gentle Dental is supported by 42 North Dental, LLC, a dental support organization that provides non-clinical administrative and business support services to the practice. 42 North Dental, LLC does not own or operate the dental practice or employ dentists to provide dental services. Find more information about 42 North Dental, LLC and the dental practices it supports at

If you need to undergo a dental procedure, or you are simply nervous about visiting the dentist, you might be a candidate for nitrous oxide sedation. It can help you to have a calm and relaxing experience! Of course, you may wonder what nitrous oxide feels like. Will it put you to sleep? This blog post explains what you can expect.
Nitrous Oxide: An Introduction
Nitrous oxide is a colorless, nearly odorless gas that is administered through a nasal mask. As you breathe it in, it induces feelings of calmness. It might also cause a tingling or giddy sensation, which is why nitrous oxide is sometimes called “laughing gas.” It can be of great help to people with dental anxiety, as well as those with a sensitive gag reflex and individuals who are not easily numbed by local anesthesia.
Does Nitrous Oxide Cause Sleep?
While many people equate sedation with sleep and unconsciousness, that is actually a widespread misunderstanding. In fact, most types of dental sedation, including nitrous oxide, do not cause unconsciousness. Only rarely do dentists recommend extremely powerful sedation that causes patients to be totally unaware of their surroundings.
Some patients become drowsy and drift off to sleep while under the influence of nitrous oxide, but that is relatively rare. You can expect to remain alert enough to respond to directions and questions from your dental team. Even if you do doze off, it should be very easy for your dental team to awaken you.
Benefits of Nitrous Oxide
Even though nitrous oxide will not put you to sleep, it is still an amazing provision that can create an easier dental care experience in several ways:
- It can make you less aware of sensations, sights, and sounds.
- It can make your gag reflex less sensitive.
- It can heighten your pain threshold.
- It only takes a few minutes for nitrous oxide to wear off after the nasal mask is removed, so you can go right back to your normal activities.
- If you experience any side effects, such as a mild headache or nausea, they are likely to be very short-lived.
Nitrous oxide sedation is a perfect fit for many patients. Talk to your dentist to learn more about it and how it works.
Meet the Practice At New Haven Dental Group, we want our patients to have a comfortable and easy experience in our office. That is one reason why we offer multiple types of sedation, including nitrous oxide. If you have questions about it or would like to request it for your next appointment, contact our practice at 203-712-4068.